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For more than 30+ years, The Bug Lady Inc. has continually served the Albemarle NC area.

In2Care Mosquito Trap uses the mosquiti to spread the treatment and keep your yard mosquito free!


In2Care Trap –FAQ’s from homeowners Go Here

Let us install a "In2Care Mosquito Trap" in your yard!


The Bug Lady Inc. Pest Control Service

As many of you know The Bug Lady , Inc. had purchased a mosquito fogging machine.

We started service and while it was effective it had terrible effects on bees, butterflies, & dragonflies. We quickly suspended our services leaving many people without mosquito control.

We have spent this time researching the best possible way to control mosquitoes without having harmful effects on non-targeted pest. We have found an amazing product! 

In2Care is a new product to America and has been used around the world for several years. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation helped make this product available around the world. It has had amazing results in 3rd world countries where Zika is rampant.

The Bug Lady Inc is excited to bring this technology to our area! We welcome all questions and inquiries on how to get your house protected from mosquitoes & be more environmentally conscious.


Call: (704)791-7791

Termite &: Pest Control NCLic. # 1871PW